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Baby pic and pet pic competitions
The baby picture competition is back!! Click on the buttons to the left to view the pics. You can then fill in your guesses on the form or download and email alison.pollock@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk or print a form off and leave it for Alison at work.
Entry is £1 each time you enter and you can enter as many times as you want :-)
You can pay with cash money at work or via the paypal Donate link on the left ➡
If babies aren't your thing, then we also have the pet pic competition this year! Guess the owner of each pet pictured. Rules are the same, and entry is also £1.
Half the money raised will be split between two charities: the SSPCA and Landed. Click the links below for more info on them. The other half will go to the winner so get guessing!! Prize money last year was £116!

what's on?
Goody bags!
Dog visit in the morning!
every day
Daily prize draw!
Free plants!
Raffle tickets on sale!
Feel good tunes!
Movies on the night shift!
So bring your money and your guessing hat and join in the fun!
Goody bags!
Lunchtime dog visit!
Massages by Sophie!
Lunchtime dog visit!
Mindfullness thoroughout the afternoon!
Language day - French lessons and phrase cards with a quiz (prize = wine!!)
Lunchtime dog visit!
Fruit day!
Raffle draw with prizes given out!
Beach party movie day in the Lecture Theatre! Dogs allowed! Bring your weans too!
Dog visits!
Final daily draw and massive thanks to everyone who's contributed xxx